Familys in Holla and Lunde - Kjersti Hansdatter
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Information about Kjersti Hansdatter , Kringelfet (Gunnerud-Saug)

Daughter of Hans Gundersen, Kringleføtt and Kirsten Johannesdatter, Heisholt (Kringelfet)

Decendants            Cascade of ancestors

Sex F
Birth date Des 1776
Place of birth Kringleføtt u. østre Heisholt, Holla, Telemark, Norway
Baptized date 3. adv. 1776
Where baptized Holla, Telemark, Norway
Date of emigration
Place of emigration
Date of death
Place of death
Date of buried
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Last modified 31 jan 2006 - 00:00:00
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        Faddere / Godparents:
Kiøstol Gundersen, Tron Gundersen, Rasmus Heisholt, Margrethe Heisholt, Anna Hansdtr
Spouse/Partner Anders Andersen, Gunnerud (Myren)
Married 25 Jun 1805
Place of marriage Holla, Telemark, Norway
    Child Ingeborg Andersdatter, Gunnerud
        Birth date 19 Sep 1806
        Baptized date
    Child Ingeborg Andersdatter, Gunnerud (Sandstaa)
        Birth date 3 Okt 1807
        Baptized date
        Spouse/Partner Niels Andersen, Tyri (Sandstaa)
Spouse/Partner Rasmus Pedersen, (Strømodden-Saug-Dahlen)
Married 21 Jun 1825
Place of marriage Den Norske Kirke, Holla, Holla, Telemark, Norway
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